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时间:2023-04-25 10:45:01    编辑:E酷

Nanjing University on January 19th, 2018: a tragic event that shocked the entire country. A female student was brutally murdered and dismembered, and the perpetrator was identified as a driver named Sun. This horrific crime inspired numerous discussions and debates, and now, a game based on this event has been developed. In this article, we will delve into the gameplay, design, and controversy surrounding this game.


The game is a simulation that puts the player in the role of Sun, the murderer. The objective is to evade capture and dispose of the dismembered body parts, all while attempting to prevent suspicion from falling on him. The game utilizes a point-and-click interface, and the player can navigate different environments, such as the victim's residence, Sun's apartment, and various other locations around the city. The game also employs a day-night cycle system and different characters' dialogue, adding complexity to the gameplay.



The game's design is reminiscent of other critically acclaimed point-and-click games such as "Five Nights at Freddy's" and "Undertale." The graphics are simplistic yet effective, and the game manages to evoke a sense of unease and uneasiness in the player. The use of dialogue and the day-night cycle enhances the immersion in the game, making the player feel like a part of the story. The eerie and atmospheric soundtrack also contributes significantly to the overall tone of the game.



As with any game based on real events, there is significant controversy surrounding the morality and appropriateness of the "Nanjing University 1.19 Murders" game. Critics argue that the game trivializes the real-life tragedy and that it is inappropriate to make a game based on such a heinous crime. Others contend that the game is a form of artistic expression and a way to create awareness of the dangers of unchecked criminal behavior. Ultimately, the controversy surrounding the game remains a hotly debated topic.



In conclusion, "Nanjing University 1.19 Murders" is a game that has evoked strong reactions from the public. The gameplay, design, and controversy surrounding the game make it a fascinating subject for discussion. While some might see the game as an inappropriate or problematic creation, others see the game as a form of commentary on the dangers of criminal behavior. Regardless of where one falls on the issue, it is clear that the game is a compelling and thought-provoking piece of art.
